Thursday, 23 June 2016

Save your room from noise pollution

The chirruping songs of birds and bees may no longer greet   you in the mornings. Rather eching brakes and noisy horns a-e probably assailing your eardrums. Vehicles that give off harmful emissions, rule the roads polluting the air near your dwelling place. You may be seated in your comfortable hying room yet the level of noise could make you think your room is actually a busy road. As commercial zones have now come up in residential areas, busy traffic characterizes the hitherto quiet roads. It remains to be seen how this factor ofnoise pollution can be dealt with. 

If windows that face busy roads are always kept closed it is necessary to consider the different types of insulation to use. 

Rubber felts and gaskets usually are fitted around the glass in the window. A good beading such as that of a car will keep out noise as well as the vibrations. If a window is not properly fitted, the noise and vibration of moving vehicles is sensed inside. Should your patio overlook a busy street there is not much point having French windows opening on to it. It would be wiser to have artificial ventilation as fresh air cannot be obtained here. 

According to an architect, EPDM gaskets fit snugly and are light and thin. The usual rubber gaskets have the disadvantage of being heavy and become hard losing their elasticity and cracking in a single summer. 

Polymer is a material with zero sound and vibration being the best choice. However as it is costly, it is not very popular. You can have either wooden, aluminium, steel or polymer frames for the windows. The most sought after material lately is aluminium. If aluminium is of good quality it will shut out the noise some what. The lower quality one that is not machine made may be unsuitable for fitting and could have gaps through which noise may seep in. If sliding windows with aluminium frames are used they may leave gaps when it is not well structured. No gasket will be effective in that case. 

You may have either sliding or casement type of windows. Casement windows fit better and shut out most of the noise and vibration. Its insulation too is effective. 

Recently double glasses with a thin laminating film have become available that shut out the noise totally. It is possible to obtain these laminated double glasses off the shelf in regular sizes but the fitting is important. In case of a bad fitting the purpose may be defeated completely. 

The effectiveness of the insulation depends largely on the type of window frame and beading used but in order to have effective insulation one must go for double glass window glazing. In this the gap between two pieces of glass is filled with a vacuum which stops noise traveling from the outer layer to the inner one. If there is air in the gap the noise will travel through the medium making double glass useless. 

Rough surface exterior walls are important if the house faces a glass building. As glass reflects sound it will be increased in a noisy area. The exterior walls should be rough to remove the noise. 

It is best to choose heavy curtains, upholstered furniture, carpets, wall paper and textured paints to diffuse the noise. Cloth absorbs noise and rough surfaces diffuse it. One could plant trees, and hedges along the road to absorb the noise.

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