Thursday, 9 June 2016


Bangalore was once known as Garden city with abundant trees and many roads are named as “Sampige road”, “ Margosa Road”, “Cocoanut Avenue”, “Avenue Road”, etc.  This is all a past glory and today we have concrete jungle, even spoiling the skyline. 

 With a view to restore atleast to some extent,  the cool salubrious climate of Bangalore, trees act is enacted and according to the provisions of this act, one has to obtain permission from the forest department, before cutting trees or falling down of trees, though in one’s own site.  Bangalore ans are so conscious and attached to the trees that they immediately inform the forest department, if they come across any body falling down or chopping the tree, without even verifying whether the proper permission has been taken or cutting tree falls under permitted species.

          The following are the ten species of trees which are permitted to cut without any permission from forest department:

            Coffee stumps
            Cocoanut trees
            A retrena
            Hopia Whitiana
            Silver Oak
            A gesse

Forest department grants permission to cut trees on various grounds. It may be a traffic hazard. Trees may be posing threat to human life. Forest department permits the cutting of the trees during nights in order not to cause inconvenience to the traffic. But people have tendency to believe such nocturnal operations as stealthy. 

 The trees have natural life cycle and the birds may be trees weak by creating number of hallows. If the tree is very old or mature civiculturally it will fall and have a natural death. Such trees will be permitted to cut to avoid any loss of human life and property.  The growth of the roots obstructs or damages the waterlines, sewage systems, under lying cables, where forest department permits cutting of suchtrees. 

 When the owners apply for cuttingthe trees in the sites on the plea that the trees are obstructing the construction of the houses, the department verifies the approved plan, which is followed by visit of the Officials to the sites. Wherever possible alternative plans are suggested without harming the trees.

Some of the trees grown in agricultural land for revenue producing woods such as timber, rose wood and fire wood are permitted to cut after a lapse of certain years and on the tree reaching approximate size

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