of Karnataka vide its Circular Ref. No. HUD/259/ MLR/96 dated: 19/11/1996 has
clarified many points relating to the approval of Building plans and transferof Khathas in Bangalore Urban District area by the City Municipal Councils and
Town Municipal Councils.
Municipal Councils and Town Municipal Councils in Bangalore Urban District are
empowered in sanction of plans of building comprising of ground+3 floors, after
the plans are scrutinized by the Junior Town Planning Authorities. However, it was stipulated that the plans
should conform to the land use and zonal regulations of the revised
comprehensive development plan (CDP) of Bangalore. Further, it was stipulated that the building
plans shall be sanctioned only after effecting the transfer of Khatha.
the City Municipal Councils and Town Municipal Councils in Bangalore Urban
District are given powers to transfer the Khatha under Section 111 to 113 of
Karnataka Municipal Act, 1966; provided that the sites are formed after the
land is converted and layout approved by the erstwhile Panchayats and subject
to compliance of land use as per the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Further, it was held that the local bodies
should collect betterment fees as prescribed by the Bangalore Development Authority,
from time to time.
It was
further clarified that, in case Khatha is already transferred, the local bodies
have to collect development fee, in addition to betterment fee for the building
floor area at 2% for residential; Rs.4/- for industrial area and Rs.10/- for
commercial area per Sq.meter, before sanction of the plan. Further, it was
decided that the Sanctioning Authority of the Plan should verify whether there
is access to the site or otherwise, even if the site is a part of layout
approved by panchayat/notified area committee.
It was
also held that though the layout area is approved by the Panchayats/notified
area committees, the Municipal Commissioner / Chief Officer shall not sanction
the building plans, if there is a change in the land use from Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)
proposals. Such cases should be directed
to approach BDA for change of land use.
The local
bodies should not transfer the Khathas, sanction the building plans in the
layouts approved by the BDA, until such layouts are handed over to local
bodies. Further local bodies shall not
entertain any transfer of khatha, sanction of building plan; if the site is in
the notified area of acquisition of BDA, the details of which may be obtained
from the BDA.
it was directed that the local bodies in Bangalore urban district area are not
permitted to approve layout plans/group housing and other development plans,
which should be referred to BDA.
It was
however held that all the building plans above ground+ 3 floors needs clearance
from BDA before sanctioning.
For More..........:
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